Remodeling Revisited
Here are the top 5 most-common exterior renovation projections and how appealing they are to home buyers at resale.
Seeking Home Equity
While they are the generation of adults who own the fewest homes, those Millennials who do own are tapping into their equity faster than homeowners of other generations. Why? To consolidate their debt, or renovate their homes.
Aspirational, But Practical
All eyes are on the largest generation of adults, Millennials. While their dream home ideals are sky-high, the approach they employ to budgets, goals, home-ownership and renovations shows their well developed practical side.
Resale Return on Investment
Here’s a list of projects with their estimated return on investment percentage.
Renovation Realities-What Does an Average California Reno Cost?
Thanks to the California Association of Realtors for providing this useful infographic outlining the average costs of remodel projects, and the value these renovations add to the home.